Angylion do(')ent yn gys(s)on
Angylion ddônt yn gyson

1,2;  1,3,(4a,5,6,7);  1,4a;  1,4b,5;
1,8,9;  1,9,5;  1,10,(11).
              RHAN I

1. Angylion doent yn gyson,
  Rifedi gwlith y wawr,
Rhoent eu coronau auraidd
  O flaen y faingc i lawr;
Dadseiniant â'u telynau
  Ynghyd â'r saint yn un,
Fyth, fyth, ni chanant ddigon
  Am Dduwdod yn y dyn.

2. Ac O! nad allwn innau
  Yn awr ehedeg fry,
A dysgu'r pêr ganiadau
  Sydd gan y nefol lu;
Fel gallai'r nef a'r ddaear
  Ddyrchafu, yn gytûn,
Ryfeddod pob rhyfeddod,
  Sef Duwdod yn y dyn.

3. Am angeu'r groes bydd canu
  I dragwyddoldeb maith,
Ond im' gael teimlo ei rinwedd
  'Rwy bron ar ben fy nhaith;
Fy nefoedd yw ei deimlo,
  A'i deimlo'n union sydd
Yn troi pob rhyw tywyllwch
  O'm mewn yn oleu ddydd.

4a. Yn angau'r groes yn unig
  Mae'm iachawdwriaeth lawn,
Ac am y groes mi ganaf
  O fore hyd brydnawn:
'Does ond yr aberth hwnnw
  Wnaed ar Galfaria fryn,
A'm crëai oll o newydd,
  A'm cannai oll yn wyn.

4b.'Rwy'n edrych arnaf f'hunan
  A rhyw gasineb mawr;
Mwy diddim, mwy disylwedd,
  Na phryfed mân y llawr;
'Does ond yr aberth hwnnw
  Wnaed ar Galfaria fryn,
A'm crëai oll o newydd,
  A'm cannai oll yn wyn.

             RHAN II

5. Ni fuasai gennyf obaith
  Am ddim ond fflammau syth,
Y pryf nad yw yn marw,
  A'r t'wyllwch dudew fyth:
Oni buasai'r hwn a hoeliwyd
  Ar fynydd Calfari,
O ryw anfeidrol gariad
  I gofio am danaf fi.

6. Mi gana' tra b'o anadl,
  O fewn y ffroenau hyn,
Am gariad Iesu'n dioddo'
  Ar ben Calfaria fryn:
Am goron ddrain blethedig,
  A'r hoelion garwa eu rhyw,
I gannu'm henaid euog
  Fel eira gwynna ei liw.

7. Mi welaf yn ei fywyd,
  Y ffordd i'r nefoedd fry,
Ac yn ei angau'r taliad
  A roddwyd drosof fi.
Yn ei esgyniad gwelaf
  Drigfanau pur y nef
A'r wledd drag'wyddol berffaith,
  Gaf yno gyd âg ef.

8. Ti, Farnwr byw a meirw
  Sydd âg allweddau'r bedd,
Terfynau eitha'r ddaear
  Sy'n disgwyl am dy hedd:
'Dyw gras i ti ond gronyn,
  Mae gras, ar hyn o bryd,
Ryw filoedd maith o weithiau
  I mi yn well na'r byd.

9. O flaen y fainc rhaid sefyll,
  Ië sefyll cyn bo hir;
Nid oes a'm nertha yno
  Ond dy gyfiawnder pur:
Myfi anturia'n eon
  Trwy ddyfroedd a thrwy dân
Heb oleu ac heb lewyrch,
  Ond dy gyfiawnder glân.

10. O! foroedd o ddoethineb
  Oedd yn y Duwdod mawr,
Pan fu'n cyfrannu ei gariad
  I dlodion gwael y llawr;
A gwneuthur ei drugaredd,
  A'i faith dosturi 'nghyd,
I redeg megis afon
  Lifeiriol dros y byd.

11. O! gariad heb ei gymar,
  A dyma'r testun sy
Yn llanw holl ganiadau
  Angylaidd, sanctaidd lu;
Anfeidrol ras! Amdano,
  Pe na foliannai dyn,
Clodforai'r bydoedd mudion,
  Yn ddiau bob yr un.

12. Os ei Di i chwilio 'nghalon,
  Ni chei Di yno fawr
Ond beiau maith mor amled
  Â gwlith y bore wawr;
Pechodau o'r dechreuad,
  Rhai'n awr ac yn y man
Sydd yn cytuno â'i gilydd
  I wasgu'm henaid gwan.

13. Yn natur fy ngweddïau,
  A'm dyletswyddau mae
Rhyw fryniau o anghrediniaeth,
  Rhyw fôr o lwfwrhau;
Y weithred gas a rhyfedd,
  Yn uchel iawn gan ddyn,
Mae torf o lygredd ynddi
  I weld i mi fy hun.

14. Am hyn bydd imi ymwadu
  Â'r cwbwl yn gytûn,
Bob cylch o ddyletswyddau
  Oreudeg hardd yn un
Yn angau'r groes yn unig
  Mae'm iachawdwriaeth lawn,
Ac am y groes mi gana'
  O fore hyd brynhawn.

15. Myfi abertha'r cyfan
  Yn union i dy wa'd,
A thyna'r balm oddi wrtho
  'R wy'n disgwyl am iachâd;
Nid oedd o tan yr heulwen,
  Nid oedd o tan y ne'
Ddim all'sai faddau Pechod
  Yn unig ond Efe.
doent :: do'ent :: ddônt
gyson :: gysson
Dadseiniant â'u :: Chwareuent â'u :: A chwarient eu
Ond im' gael teimlo ei :: Mae ynddo ddwyfol
'Rwy bron ar ben :: I'm cynal ar
Ni fuasai :: Ni f'asai :: Ni buasai
gennyf :: genyf
Farnwr :: Barnwr
nertha :: nerthai
dlodion :: bryfaid
ei drugaredd :: i'w drugaredd
faith dosturi 'nghyd :: dostur maith yn nghyd
- - - - -
(Rhyfeddodau Person Crist)
1,2,3,4;  1,2,3,5.
Angylion doent yn gyson
  Rifedi gwlith y wawr;
Rhoent eu coronau euraidd
  O flaen y fainc i lawr;
Chwareuent eu telynau
  Yn nghyd a'r Saint yn un:
Byth, byth ni chanant ddigon
  Am Dduwdod yn y dyn.

Cymhwyswyd pabell iddo,
  Sef corph o lwch y byd;
'Run natur oedd gan Adda
  A'i feibion' oll i gyd:
Gwir ddyn, o sylwedd dyndod,
  Heb bechod o un rhyw,
Ac ynddo yn cartrefu
  Yr Hollalluog DDUW!

Emmanuel - creadur
  A'r Duwdod mawr yn un,
Dysgleirdeb ei ogoniant,
  Ei ddelw Ef ei Hun:
Ordeiniwyd iddo ddoniau,
  Grasusau o bob rhyw,
Fel y pelydrai ynddo
  Ogoniant person Duw.

O! f'enaid gwel addasrwydd
  Y Person Dwyfol hwn;
Ymddiried iddo'th fywyd,
  A bwrw arno'th bwn:
Mae'n ddyn i gydymdeimlo
  A'th holl wendidau i gyd;
Mae'n Dduw i fynnu'r orsedd
  Ar ddiafol, cnawd, a byd.

O foroedd o ddoethineb
  Oedd yn y Duwdod mawr,
Fel hyn gyfranu'i gariad
  I bryfed gwael y llawr!
I wneuthur i'w drugaredd,
  A'i dostur maith 'nghyd,
I redeg megis afon
  Lifeiriol tros y byd!
1762 William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [7676D]:
Bahia (<1876)
Bala (Rowland H Prichard 1811-87)
Bremen / Munich (Meiningen Gesangbuch)
Bryniau Cassia (hen alaw)
Caerlleon (1859 Casgliad Ieuan Gwyllt)
Caerllyngoed (Stephen Llwyd 1794-1854)
Clumstoche (<1825)
Cruger (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)
Durrow (alaw Wyddelig)
Missionary (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Pen yr yrfa (William James 1877-1964)
Pwllheli (John Francis 1789-1834)
Rutherford (Chrétien Urhan 1790-1845)
St Theodulph (Melchior Teschner 1584-1635)
Whitford (John Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
Wittemburgh (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)

Tôn [7676D+2676]:
Bryniau Cassia (1892 Y Salmydd)

  Bechadur gwel yn hongian
  Fy Nuw fy addfwyn Iesu
  Mi ganaf tra fo ana'l
  Mi welaf yn ei fywyd
  Ni fuasai gennyf obaith
  'Nol edrych ar ol edrych
  O flaen y fainc rhaid sefyll
  O foroedd o ddoethineb
  Pwy ddyry im' falm o Gilead?
  Ti Farnwr byw a meirw
  Yn mywyd Iesu gwelaf
  Ac yna adgyfododd

                 Part 1

1. Let angels come constantly,
  Numerous as dew of the dawn,
Let them put their golden crowns
  Down before the throne;
Let them sound their harps
  Together with the saints as one,
Forever, forever, they do not sing enough
  About Godhead in the man.

2. And oh, that I also may
  Now fly above,
And learn the sweet songs
  Which are the song of the heavenly host;
As could heaven and the earth
  Raise, in harmony,
The wonder of all wonders,
  That is Godhead in the man.

3. Of the death of the cross will be singing
  For a vast eternity,
But for me to feel its virtue
  I am almost at the end of my journey;
My heaven is to feel it,
  To to feel is exactly
Turning every kind of darkness
  Within me into the light of day.

4. In the death of the cross alone
  Is my full salvation,
And about the cross I will sing
  From morning until afternoon;
There is nothing but the sacrifice which he
  Made on the hill of Calvary,
Which makes me all new,
  And which bleaches me all white.

4b. I look upon myself
  With some great hatred,
More nothing, more negligible,
  Than a small worm of the ground;
There is nothing but that sacrifice
  Made on the hill of Calvary,
Which makes me all new,
  And which bleaches me all white.

                 Part 2

5. I would have had no hope
  For anything but immediate flames,
The worm which does not die,
  And the darkness forever thickly black,
Unless He had been nailed
  On the mountain of Calvary
O what immeasurable love
  Remembering me.

6. I will sing while ever there is breath,
  Within these nostrils,
Of the love of Jesus suffering
  On the summit of Calvary hill:
Of a crown plaited of thorns,
  And the nails of the roughest kind,
To bleach my guilty soul
  Like the snow of whitest colour.

7. I see in his life,
  To way to the heavens above,
And in his death the payment
  That was made on my account.
In his ascension I see
  The pure dwellings of heaven
And the perfect, eternal feast,
  I will have there with him.

8. Thou, Judge of the living and the dead
  Who hast the keys of the grave,
The remotest boundaries of the earth
  Are waiting for Thy peace.
Grace is nothing to Thee but a grain,
  Grace is, at this point in time,
Some many thousands of times
  Better to me than the world.

9. Before thy bench one must stand,
  Yes, stand before long;
There is nothing which strengthens me there
  But Thy pure righteousness.
As for me, I will venture fearlessly
  Through waters and through fire
Without light and without radiance,
  But thy clean righteousness.

10. Oh, the oceans of wisdom
  Which were in the great Godhead
When he was sharing out his love
  To the base poor of the earth;
And making his mercy,
  And all his vast compassion together,
Run like a river
  Flowing across the world.

11. Oh, love without equal!
  And here is the witness which is
Filling all the songs
  Of the holy, angelic host;
Immeasurable grace! About him,
  If man did not praise,
Mute worlds would extol,
  Endlessly every one.

12. If Thou go to search my heart,
  Thou wilt not get much there
But fast faults as numerous
  As the dew of the morning dawn;
Sins from the beginning,
  Some now and again
Are agreeing with each other
  To press my weak soul.

13. In the nature of my prayers,
  And my duties there are
Some hills of unbelief,
  Some sea of losing heart;
The deed detestable and wonderful,
  Very high by man,
There is a pile of corruption in it
  To see me myself.

14. Therefore I shall deny myself
  Everything altogether,
Every round of excellent,
  Beautiful duties as one;
In the cross alone
  Is my full salvation,
And for the cross to bleach me
  From morning until evening.

15. I shall sacrifice the whole
  Directly in thy blood,
And take the balm from it
  I am waiting for healing;
There is not under the sunshine,
  There is not under heaven
Anything that could forgive sin
  But Him alone.
:: ::
Let them sound their :: Let them play their :: And let them play their
But for me to feel its :: In it is divine
I am almost at the end of :: To support me on
:: ::
strengthens :: would strengthen
poor :: worms
- - - - -
(The Wonders of the Person of Christ)
Let angels come constantly
  Numbers as the dew of dawn;
Let them put their golden crowns
  Down before the throne;
Let them play their harps
  Together with the saints as one:
Never, ever will they sing enough
  About Godhead in the man.

A tent was made suitable for him
  That is a body of the dust of the world;
The same nature that Adam ha
  And all his sons altogether:
True man, of the substance of humanity,
  Without sin of any kind,
And in him dwelling
  The Almighty GOD!

Emmanuel - creator
  An the great Godhead as one,
The radiance of his glory,
  His own image Himself:
Gifts were ordained for him,
  Graces of every kind,
That in him would radiate
  The glory of the person of God.

O my soul, see the suitability
  Of this Divine Person;
Let thy life trust in him,
  And cast upon him thy burden:
He is man to sympathise
  With all thy weaknesses altogether;
He is God to claim the throne
  Over devil, flesh and world.

O the seas of wisdom
  That were in the great Godhead,
Thus to share his love
  With a base worm of the ground!
To act to show him mercy,
  And his vast pity altogether,
To run like a river
  Flowing for the world!
tr. 2008,16 Richard B Gillion

Angelic throngs unnumbered,
  As dawn's bright drops of dew,
Present their crowns before Him
  With praises ever new;
But saints and angels blending
  Their songs above the sun,
Can ne'er express the glories
  Of God with man made one.

O boundless sea of wisdom!
  A Saviour full of grace;
To show God's love in mercy
  To a fallen, dying race,
And cause that love and mercy
  To flow in endless flood,
With tenderness and pity,
  To all the ruined world.

- - - - -
(The Glory of Christ)
Angelic throngs unnumbered,
  As dawn's bright drops of dew,
Present their crowns before Him
  With praises ever new;
But saints and angels blending
  Their songs above the sun,
Can ne'er express the glories
  Of God with man made one.

O boundless sea of wisdom!
  A Saviour full of grace;
To show God's love in mercy
  To a fallen, dying race,
And cause that love and mercy
  To flow in endless flood,
With tenderness and pity,
  To all the ruined world.
tr. Hymns & Tunes in Welsh & English (E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [7676D]: Wittemburgh (Johann Crüger 1598-1662)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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